ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in the exhibition “Dibuixem caminant – sketchcrawl Vic”, organised by COAC.
IES LA PLANA DE VIC in an exhibition of educational buildings in Osona, organised by COAC and “Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya”.
HOUSE in Sant Bartomeu del Grau in the 104th number of “Arquitectura y Diseño”.
WOODEN HOUSE in Sant Bartomeu del Grau in the exhibition of selected works of the 5th Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
NURSERY SCHOOL in Vic in the exhibition of selected works of the 5th Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
WOODEN HOUSE in Sant Bartomeu del Grau in the exhibition of Arquinfad finalists in the “Arco de Madrid” fair, in Matadero.
PUBLIC NURSERY SCHOOL in Horta Vermella’s neighbourhood, in Vic, in “Via Construcción” magazine.
HOUSE in Gurb in the exhibition of selected works of the 4th Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
HOUSE in la Garriga in the exhibition of selected works of the 3rd Architecture Biennale of Vallès.
PUBLIC NURSERY SCHOOL in Vic in an exhibition of Vic’s Town Hall in “Casa Masferrer”.
CONCERT HALL/SCHOOL OF MUSIC in Vic in an exhibition of Vic’s Town Hall in “Llotja del Blat”.
HOUSE in Gurb in the publication of finalists of the 3rd Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
MULTIFAMILY BUILDING EXTENSION WITH A 4TH FLOOR in Vic in the july 2001 number of “INDE” publication.
MULTIFAMILY BUILDING EXTENSION WITH A 4TH FLOOR in Vic in the publication of finalists of the 2nd Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
RENOVATION OF THE SPACE CLOSE TO THE GRÀCIA CHURCH in Manlleu in the publication of finalists of the 2nd Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
RENOVATION OF A FACTORY in Vic in the publication of finalists of the 2nd Architecture Biennale of the central regions of Catalonia.
WOODEN HOUSE in Sant Bartomeu del Grau in the 226th number of “Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme”.
WOODEN HOUSE in Sant Bartomeu del Grau in the 335th number of “CIC” magazine.